Working with conditionals in gohugo is really different than working with them in like java, C# or any other language.
When you want to work with conditionals in gohugo you have to keep in mind that you work with functions.
if (a == b) {
// Do something
{{ if eq a b }}
<h1>eq is a function that takes 2 parameters to compare</h1>
{{ end }}
A simple if is formed like follows
{{ if ... }}
<h1>simple if</h1>
{{ end }}
A if/else is formed like follows
{{ if ... }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
A if/elseif is formed like follows
{{ if eq a b }}
{{ else if eq c d }}
{{ end }}
This function takes two parameters. The condition is fullfilled arg1 is equal to arg2.
{{ a := "/" }}
{{ b := "/blob/" }}
{{ if eq a b }}
<h1>The condition is fullfilled</h1>
{{ else }}
<h1>The condition is not fullfilled</h1>
{{ end }}
This function takes two parameters. The condition is fullfilled only if arg1 is not equal to arg2.
{{ a := "/" }}
{{ b := "/" }}
{{ if ne a b }}
<h1>The condition is fullfilled</h1>
{{ else }}
<h1>The condition is not fullfilled</h1>
{{ end }}
This function takes two parameters. The condition is fullfilled only if arg1 is greater than arg2.
{{ a := 2 }}
{{ b := 1 }}
{{ if gt a b }}
<h1>The condition is fullfilled</h1>
{{ else }}
<h1>The condition is not fullfilled</h1>
{{ end }}
This function takes two parameters. The condition is fullfilled only if arg1 is less than arg2.
{{ a := 1 }}
{{ b := 2 }}
{{ if lt a b }}
<h1>The condition is fullfilled</h1>
{{ else }}
<h1>The condition is not fullfilled</h1>
{{ end }}
This function takes two parameters. The condition is fullfilled only if arg1 is less or equal than arg2.
{{ a := 1 }}
{{ b := 1 }}
{{ if lt a b }}
<h1>The condition is fullfilled</h1>
{{ else }}
<h1>The condition is not fullfilled</h1>
{{ end }}
This function takes two parameters. The condition is fullfilled only if arg1 is greater or equal than arg2.
{{ a := 1 }}
{{ b := 2 }}
{{ if ge a b }}
<h1>The condition is fullfilled</h1>
{{ else }}
<h1>The condition is not fullfilled</h1>
{{ end }}
This function takes two parameters. This function returns true only if its two parameters are true.
{{ a := True }}
{{ b := False }}
{{ if and a b }}
<h1>This will never show up</h1>
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
equivalent in js
if (true && false) {
// ...
Combine and & eq
{{ a := "/" }}
{{ b := "/blog/" }}
{{ c := "/projects/" }}
{{ d := "/resume/" }}
{{ if and (eq a b) (eq b c) }}
<h1>This will never show up</h1>
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
equivalent in js
if ("/" == "/blog/" && "/projects" == "/resume") {
// ...
This function takes two parameters. This function returns true if on of its two parameters is true.
{{ a := True }}
{{ b := False }}
{{ if or a b }}
<h1>Showing up</h1>
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
equivalent in js
if (true || false) {
// ...
Combine and & eq
{{ a := "/" }}
{{ b := "/" }}
{{ c := "/projects/" }}
{{ d := "/resume/" }}
{{ if or (eq a b) (eq b c) }}
<h1>Showing up</h1>
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
equivalent in js
if ("/" == "/" || "/projects" == "/resume") {
// ...